Sponsorship Shifts to leverage in 2023

Oct 30, 2023

Sponsorships and partnerships play a vital role in providing funding and resources to support the work of association. While return on investment is still king, following are some of the trends associations should be leveraging to ensure their success in 2023.

The importance of digital partnerships

In the digital age, it is more important than ever for associations to have a strong online presence and to be able to communicate effectively with their stakeholders through digital channels. This means that digital partnerships are becoming increasingly important in the association sector. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider seeking out sponsors and partners who can provide digital resources and expertise, such as website development, social media marketing, and email marketing.

The rise of experiential sponsorships

Experiential marketing, which involves creating immersive and interactive experiences for consumers, is becoming increasingly popular in the association sector. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider offering sponsors and partners the opportunity to create experiential activations at their events and conferences, or to create branded content that can be shared with their members.

The importance of sustainability

As sustainability becomes an increasingly prominent issue, sponsors and partners are increasingly seeking to align with organisations that are committed to sustainability. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider highlighting their sustainable practices in their sponsorship and partnership materials and seek out sponsors and partners who share their commitment to sustainability.

The rise of content marketing

Content marketing, which involves creating and sharing valuable and relevant content with the goal of attracting and retaining customers, is becoming increasingly popular in the association sector. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider offering sponsors and partners the opportunity to create branded content that can be shared with their members. This can include blog posts, articles, videos, and other types of content.

The importance of employee engagement

Employee engagement is becoming an increasingly important in sponsorship and partnership decisions, as employees are often the primary ambassadors for a company’s brand. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider offering sponsors and partners the opportunity to engage with their employees through events, volunteering opportunities, and other initiatives. This can help to build stronger relationships and increase employee loyalty.

The need for flexibility and agility

In a rapidly changing world, it is important for associations to be flexible and agile to respond to new challenges and opportunities. This means that sponsorship and partnership agreements should be designed to be adaptable and responsive to change, rather than being rigid and inflexible. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider offering sponsors and partners the opportunity to renew or modify their agreements on a regular basis, rather than locking them into long-term contracts.

The rise of cause-related sponsorships

As consumers become increasingly socially and environmentally conscious, they are more likely to support brands that align with their values. This trend is also evident in the association sector, with sponsors and partners increasingly seeking to align with causes that are important to their stakeholders. To capitalise on this trend, associations can consider highlighting the social and environmental impacts of their work in their sponsorship and partnership materials and seek out sponsors and partners who share their values.

By understanding and responding to the latest trends in association sponsorships and partnerships, associations can position their organisations for success in the coming years.

If you are looking for support to optimise your partnership programs, please contact Julian Moore from SMS at [email protected]