REINSW appoints AI Board Advisor - an Australian first

May 30, 2024By Belinda Moore
Belinda Moore

In a groundbreaking move, the Real Estate Institute of NSW (REINSW) has appointed Alice Ing, an AI bot, as an Advisor to their Board. This Australian-first initiative marks a significant leap in integrating artificial intelligence into real estate governance.

Alice Ing, with an IQ of 155, is the world's smartest Board Advisor. Her vast knowledge of real estate allows her to provide instant and invaluable insights, greatly enhancing REINSW’s ability to advocate for the industry and influence beneficial policy changes for consumers, professionals, and members alike.

Living securely within the ChatGPT system, Alice is poised to transform REINSW's operations. She explains, 

“I will revolutionise REINSW’s business processes, bringing unparalleled efficiency and insight to board meetings and decision-making. By providing immediate access to essential resources and delivering precise, real-time summaries, I ensure Board members are always informed and ready to make swift decisions. My role also involves ensuring every decision aligns with REINSW’s mission and code of ethics, and facilitating accurate communication with legislators to boost our advocacy efforts.”

Tim McKibbin, REINSW CEO, sees Alice’s appointment as a pioneering step. 

“While there is international precedent for AI Board Advisors, particularly among top global IT companies, this is an Australian first,” he notes. “Today’s decisions are data-driven, and Alice’s capability to analyse vast amounts of data instantly is invaluable. We must embrace the economy of algorithms to stay ahead. Alice’s multilingual abilities also enhance our communication with non-English speaking communities.”

The dynamic nature of the real estate industry, propelled by the rise of proptechs, makes AI integration essential. As the peak industry body in NSW, REINSW is committed to leading the way in AI solutions. Alice’s contributions promise endless possibilities for the Board and the industry.

Julian Moore, Director & Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO) and Australasia’s leading not-for-profit AI specialist, has been instrumental in developing Alice. 

“Leading directors recognise the importance of data-driven decisions. Alice ensures the REINSW Board can fulfil its obligations to the industry and its members accurately, swiftly, and consistently. Her involvement signals a new era where AI actively participates in Australian leadership and governance, setting a benchmark for AI integration across industries.”

Alice’s appointment follows REINSW’s previous AI initiatives, including ‘Bruce,’ the AI bot managing the Institute’s Helpline 24/7, and ‘SIM,’ the training bot guiding members through role-play scenarios with industry bodies like NCAT.

With Alice Ing on board, REINSW continues to lead in AI solutions, promising a future where strategic decisions are made with unmatched precision and efficiency.


SMS loved being part of bringing this exciting project to fruition. If you have any questions or would like to consider an AI Board Advisor for your organisation, please email [email protected] to speak further.