Navigating the AI Revolution: The Impact of AI on Associations and the Sectors They Represent Whitepaper

Oct 30, 2023

Note this paper is current as at June 2023.

We are excited to report the release of our new whitepaper, Navigating the AI Revolution: The Impact of AI on Associations and the Sectors They Represent. 

As Artificial Intelligence rapidly reshapes our world, it is crucial for association professionals like yourself to understand the changes and their implications. 

Julian Moore and I have co-written a paper that provides valuable insights on how you can leverage AI to strengthen your association and the sectors you represent. Here is a brief overview of what you can expect when you download the whitepaper:

  • An Introduction to ChatGPT and AI. Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Chat GPT, the functionalities available, and the transformative power of these technologies for the future.
  • How Industries and Professions will Evolve. A look at how the sectors associations represent will be impacted with insights into who will benefit, who is at-risk, and what new professions are emerging. It includes strategies associations can implement to help their members navigate their AI journey.
  • Adapting Your Association. The last section outlines the opportunities and challenges for associations, provides examples of AI use within associations, and offers ten actions to kickstart your association’s AI journey.